Welcome to the Carnival of MS Bloggers, a bi-weekly compendium of thoughts and experiences shared by those living with multiple sclerosis.
Light in the Shadows
Hubbers snapped this pic of me taking pics.

I was concentrating very hard on the tiny flower in the shadows, adjusting for the perfect exposure. You can compensate for the darkness by changing the aperture. The aperture setting determines how much light is admitted "into" the camera, determining how much light reaches the image. I just couldn't seem to get it right!
I was skeptical of how this shot would turn out.

I was happy, yet surprised to see that the light in this shot was great. I guess a little stream of sunlight that I was unaware of beamed through the shadows when I clicked off the shot.
I was concentrating so hard on the shadows, that I didn't see the light.
We all know where I could go with this...analogy wise, but I won't. Suffice it to say, many lessons are learned when we least expect.
The fullness of life consists of light and shadow,
and the movement between the two.
by Just a girl with MS
I wish:- I could have just one more day to live without MS. I want to know if what I'm feeling is from MS, or just situational.
- I could find something to be thankful for - other than my doctor.
- I would stop feeling sorry for myself.
- I could think of MS as another challenge in life, and not an obstacle.
Today’s small stone
by Laura of Shine the Divine
by Laura of Shine the Divine
Who knew my chariot had magical powers….not only can it get me where I need to go gliding smoothly like Aladin’s carpet, but it can make me disappear. I hope this does not sound bitter; this was simply my experience. I felt strangely invisible as parents of kids I’ve known since my daughter was in kindergarten walked right past without saying hello during the award ceremony. Perhaps it was because they were focused on their kids, or because I’ve not been able to be involved in volunteering for such a long time, or because I was below their line of vision, seated in my wheelchair. But I remembered all of them and watched them chat with one another. It is interesting to simply observe without the burden of small talk.
by Judy of Peace Be With You

The MS label
is like a Rorschach inkblot
testing perspectives.
Some use their MS
as a new hill to conquer
obstacles be damned.
Some will surrender
to unknown MS futures.
Some straddle the fence.
is like a Rorschach inkblot
testing perspectives.
Some use their MS
as a new hill to conquer
obstacles be damned.
Some will surrender
to unknown MS futures.
Some straddle the fence.
I'm very thankful that you continue to sharing your MS lives with me and with the world. You inspire me each and every day.
This concludes the 90th edition of the Carnival.
The next Carnival of MS Bloggers will be hosted here on June 30, 2011. Please remember to submit a post (via email) from your blog of which you are particularly proud, or which you simply want to share, by noon on Tuesday, June 28, 2011.
Thank you.
Thank you.
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