Welcome to the Carnival of MS Bloggers, a bi-weekly compendium of thoughts and experiences shared by those living with multiple sclerosis.
The Colors of MS
by Ashley of MS Run in US blog
Every day is a brand new day and an opportunity to make of it what we want. Every day we’re faced with thousands of choices; what to wear, what to say, where to go, what to do, how to react, how much to spend, how much to save, when to indulge, when to restrict, how to love, etc. Data suggests that adults make nearly 35,000 decisions every day. The idea of it can be staggering and intimidating.

From that day forward he developed a motto: “Use all your colors!”. This is a motto he applies to all areas of his life, of which his colors are his abilities. Whether it be for work or pleasure he commits to using all of his colors/abilities.
Obviously this concept has to be applied within reason. We can’t just use all the money we have in one day or we’d find ourselves in a bit of trouble by the time the bills came. But what if we applied this to abilities that we do have in plenty: love, compassion, endurance, forgiveness, kindness, patience, humor, drive, integrity… These are all things that are given to us in immeasurable amounts. There is no end to the amount of forgiveness we posses. There is not limit to our kindness. We impose our own limits on these attributes.
What if for today and beyond we don’t limit our abilities to do these things? What if we forgive until we can’t forgive anymore, and then we forgive more?
Remember as you go throughout your day that you have a box full of colorful qualities that you can use to brighten your world. Use your colors. And when you’re tired of coloring your world, color some more.
“Happiness is like jam. You can’t spread it without getting some on yourself.” -Unknown
by Caroline of The Girl With MS

And then ask myself why?
- What did I do yesterday?
- What did I eat?
- What was the temperature?
- How did I sleep?
- What's on my agenda today?
Hanging by water is a great option. Pools, rivers, lakes, oceans
provide instant relief from warmer temperatures. But not all of us have
this opportunity nor can we often remove our clothes to cool off so
improvise we must.
Quick tips:
So, How do you deal when you're in the Red Zone?Quick tips:
- Cool shower. Even Luke warm is fine. Just hop in the shower for instant cool down.
- Wet bandanna around cooling points: neck, wrists, ankles
- Ice water, drink it, pour it on your head, pour it down your shirt!
- Wet shirt, cool off body. Huge help in the Sahara when my guides put my shirt in the crocodile infested waters so I could cool off. They don't have ice on safari in Tanzania, FYI.
- Juice it! With Cooling, anti inflammatory and detoxing foods such as cucumber, apple, pineapple, etc.
- Visualize the Blue Zone:

Ahhhhh....feeling cooler already. Now, not to mess it up.
That means to watch diet and activities all day:
That means to watch diet and activities all day:

- Cooling foods
- Activities by AC
- Water, hydration
- Reduce stress and get those items checked off to-do list
- Have fun brainstorming on some new projects
- Find balance
- Be at peace
- Mellow in the "Green Zone"
This concludes the 127th edition of the Carnival. The next Carnival of MS Bloggers will be hosted here on November 22, 2012. Please remember to submit a post (via email) from your blog of which you are particularly proud, or which you simply want to share, by noon on Tuesday, November 20, 2012.